A vision came upon a Paiute prophet:
Immerse all the Nations in a Ghost Dance.
To do so will bring back the ancestor’s cachet;
And amid the sacred hills the buffalo will again prance.
Dreams harbored by deluded and tired old men,
For haven’t you heard a fortnight ago they murdered Sitting Bull?
Snuffing out the Creator’s best time and time again;
More than mere flesh and blood those bastards stole.
Discard your dreams and dances of old
For the blue devils avenge old yellow hair’s demise.
They use the same shovels to bury the slaughtered as to dig for gold,
Never a moment’s respite from their malignant greed and vile lies.
In a bleak and forlorn corner of South Dakota
A monument stands at Wounded Knee site in commemoration.
The once proud and mighty Nation of Lakotah
Have been pushed into an abyss called Pine Ridge Reservation.
Immerse all the Nations in a Ghost Dance.
To do so will bring back the ancestor’s cachet;
And amid the sacred hills the buffalo will again prance.
Dreams harbored by deluded and tired old men,
For haven’t you heard a fortnight ago they murdered Sitting Bull?
Snuffing out the Creator’s best time and time again;
More than mere flesh and blood those bastards stole.
Discard your dreams and dances of old
For the blue devils avenge old yellow hair’s demise.
They use the same shovels to bury the slaughtered as to dig for gold,
Never a moment’s respite from their malignant greed and vile lies.
In a bleak and forlorn corner of South Dakota
A monument stands at Wounded Knee site in commemoration.
The once proud and mighty Nation of Lakotah
Have been pushed into an abyss called Pine Ridge Reservation.
1973 Takeover and standoff (71 days) of Wounded Knee Genocidal Results of the Failed American Indian Policies of the United States Government MORTALITY: