On a more serious note the Westboro Baptist Church boasts 46,536 pickets to date. The congregation founded in 1955 fallaciously believes God sanctions their gospel of hate. I refuse to type the name of the group’s website or even mention their “sister sites” for fear I will taint my precious laptop with their callous brand of evil. Suffice to say their creed smacks more of Adolph Hitler than Jesus of Nazareth.
Undoubtedly they revel in the profuse attention from the press which their hijinks have mustered; their fifteen minutes in an otherwise pathetic existence. What I find most disturbing are photos of small children standing alongside their parents as they parade whatever crackpot cause of their day (where are social services when you need them?). Not surprisingly this flock of fools is comprised mainly of the pastor’s large family (do I detect inbreeding here)? It all might be a tad bit amusing if it wasn’t for the fact that these idiots will park their carcasses in front of churches to protest during funerals. I will say no more (I am struggling to keep this blog obscenity free in case my dad reads it).In my opinion-- if there is a God in her heaven--created the Foo Fighters who in turn came up with such an entertaining counter ploy; touché. May they sell many many more cd’s.
How did you get that little accent mark above the e in touche?
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