Most of my time I physically exist at home or at work (although in my mind I travel the world and sometimes beyond). Occasionally I go out and meet for coffee or lunch with a friend or spend more than enough time visiting various favorite shopping spots. As a single woman over the age of forty-five I no longer frequent bars for in my opinion, gathered from what I have seen and heard, those that do are either cougars, alcoholics, looking for love in all the wrong places, or just don’t know any better. Also I enjoy my home and can find many diversions to keep me contentedly occupied. My point: I do not have many opportunities to meet those of the opposite sex. Therefore I have apprehensively signed on to the online dating service,
When one signs up (and pays a fee) one is given the opportunity to create a username, post photos, and create a written profile. Usernames can sometimes alert one perusing the sight to decline any “winks” or emails sent by those with such pseudonyms as ItalianStallion, Barfly, Honeyman, 69rex, Wildnotmild, Harleybiker (not my thing), Luvtokissu, Spacealien, and my favorite, Wellhung54. Although, I must add that most likely for every Jack there is a Jill. The photos speak for themselves; men use their possessions to lure women: posing as masculinely as possible in front of sports cars, spacious homes, Harleys, and yachts. However the most calculated ploys of ensnaring the opposite sex are through the profiles. Again, bear in my mind that this does not pertain to everyone; I’m sure truth does surface in perhaps a handful of these subjective summaries. It would be so much more interesting if every profile had to include a paragraph written by an ex.
The adjectives that pop up most in profiles are: sensitive, easy-going, funny, loyal, faithful, and caring; just to mention a few. These men (and probably women too) sound so incredible it’s a wonder they can leave the house for all the potential suitors lined up outside their doors. Their former mates truly must have misplaced their minds to let such “catches” go. I bet you are thinking at this point, “And what about you, AmySueRose, I can just imagine what line of crap you posted to entice the innocent.” And my answer to this would be to copy and paste my profile for any reader to see: Living in Dubuque has given me an appreciation of history. I love exploring the region and my dream is to travel along the entire Mississippi River. I possess an innate curiosity regarding just about everything. I am seldom if ever bored; for the world has so much to offer. I find myself attracted to those who view life with a sense of humor and are able to appreciate the ordinary, along with the special, facets of life. I have come clean, so there.
Well, now you have it, the update of my experiences on I am not one to kiss and tell however on these occasions there were no kisses.

The adjectives that pop up most in profiles are: sensitive, easy-going, funny, loyal, faithful, and caring; just to mention a few. These men (and probably women too) sound so incredible it’s a wonder they can leave the house for all the potential suitors lined up outside their doors. Their former mates truly must have misplaced their minds to let such “catches” go. I bet you are thinking at this point, “And what about you, AmySueRose, I can just imagine what line of crap you posted to entice the innocent.” And my answer to this would be to copy and paste my profile for any reader to see: Living in Dubuque has given me an appreciation of history. I love exploring the region and my dream is to travel along the entire Mississippi River. I possess an innate curiosity regarding just about everything. I am seldom if ever bored; for the world has so much to offer. I find myself attracted to those who view life with a sense of humor and are able to appreciate the ordinary, along with the special, facets of life. I have come clean, so there.
Believe it or not I have accumulated many winks and emails. A few of these have progressed to actual dates. The first guy seemed nice enough, big blues fan, built his own boat, and willing to travel seventy miles to meet me. And a nice fella, just no spark and I also could not envision myself spending every weekend careening down the Mississippi with an inebriated captain. That one sunk before it even left the dock. Then I was approached by a German linguistics/retired financier who pimped his mansion, horses, and travelogue pix along with intellectually stimulating emails. I met him for breakfast and hardly got a word in edgewise. As for appearance, well as I described him for my sister, a cross between Chris Farley and Henry VIII. It didn’t help matters that he continuously flirted with our waitress, a girl young enough to be his granddaughter. Nicht Cool.
I emailed with a man whom preferred to talk via telephone because I suspect writing was not his forte. Neither was interesting conversation. We agreed a number of times to meet and every time he would call with an excuse why he could not honor that. I had enough of that; shit or get off the pot, as I say. The third man I had the pleasure of meeting spent the five hours we sat in a local coffee shop/bar expounding upon himself. I could barely get a word in edgewise and when I did I don’t think it found itself to his cerebral cortex for there did not seem to be much room for anything other than himself. I gave him another go and went to his home (two walls of his TV room were adorned with self-portraits) to sup with members of his family who were absolutely delightful. Pity I couldn’t date his family. Also the tits and ass calendar in his downstairs bathroom along with a closet full of girlie magazines did nothing to render warm feelings within the cockles of my heart. The objectification of women as mere objects of sexual gratification does not impress this post-women’s lib gal. I like to think men may actually be attracted to me not only for my female anatomy but for my mind. That’s enormously important in this day and age, guys.Well, now you have it, the update of my experiences on I am not one to kiss and tell however on these occasions there were no kisses.
Men and the dating process are overrated, probably men moreso.
Couldn't have put it better myself; but then I'm single. I really don't mind though, and refuse to "settle".
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