Monday, August 27, 2012

Against All Odds





But yet the Lakotah heart beats strong;
Like Brother Buffalo he holds his ground.
Listen closely and you will hear
Songs of victory loud and clear.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Girls just wanna have fun
Nuns have always been part of the scenery here in Dubuque. From an early age I recall seeing these women enshrouded in black going about their business around town. Good lord, we are home base to three orders not to mention smaller enclaves which taught at the many Catholic schools. Today they are impossible to pick out from Jane Ordinary Citizen for they no longer are required to wear the medieval habit. And to make it more difficult to sense the presence of a nun; they act and think like ordinary women. Imagine that! They actually have their own thoughts, pursue careers (Sister Carolynn Farrell, Dubuque's mayor from 1980 - 1982), and can dress in scarlet and wear make-up if they choose (the first time I saw a nun with her ears pierced; well that was truly shocking). What's the world coming to? Seriously, I'm glad for their sakes, especially with the temperatures soaring into the 100's this summer; wouldn't want to have to scrap off my sidewalk a melted nun, kind of like the Wicked Witch of the West melting in the Wizard of Oz. Come to think of it TWW of the W reminds me of my third grade teacher, mmmm.

Whats with the hat?
Nuns behind Nativity Church, circa 1965
On a more serious note the Vatican, headed by that fallible old fart Benedictus of Romulus, has come down hard on some of these venerable sisters. In the secular world that's comparable to chastising mom and apple pie. I mean talk about disrespect. And whats all the fuss about? I guess those old goats at the Vatican just can't stand the idea of nuns making their own choices (they're still reeling over the change of habit). One of the many articles I read states: "Many bishops were angered when LCWR and Network, along with the Catholic Health Association, endorsed President Obama's health care reform over the bishops' objections." I sense (women's intuition) that its not so much about Obama's health care reform but rather the whole deal reeks of "over the bishops' objections." How dare these women support something the bishops object to. I mean, c'mon Jesus was male and being God (in the eyes of the church), well that just shows you right there.Women are indeed inferior in their eyes and heaven help you if you fall somewhere in between their two female models: madonna or whore--either one or the other; no exceptions allowed.

And man, are the comedians having a feast day with this one. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart does a four minute report which left me gasping for breath Not to be left out of all the fun Steven Colbert does a report on the saucy sisters Dubuquer Sister Carolyn Farell may not as yet accepted invites to be interviewed by such esteemed journalists, however she plays a major part in this international drama If you actually read that article in it's entirety you have to agree with me that that woman has more machismo than all the guys in the vatican put together (in other words, balls).

Its been decades since I answered to Catholicism; holy mother of god, I'm not even a christian (I hope no one in Dubuque reads this after writing that declaration) but all I can say is, "you go girls (ladies)."