This morning I was watching/listening to Crossroads 2007.
This dvd features THE guitar festival that Eric Clapton has staged three times
(2004, 2007, and 2010) to present some of the finest guitar players alive. All
proceeds for these events go to Crossroads Center, a drug treatment center
founded by Clapton. To paraphrase Sir Clapton, “cause is a simple one....people
who use to drink like me....alot of my heroes didn’t have that option….maybe
they wouldn’t have….” Watch the YouTube video and hear his statement in its entirety
(along with his take on Robert Johnson’s If I Had Possession Over Judgment Day).
This got me thinking about The List, the Greatest Guitarist
List put out by Rolling Stone Magazine, or I should say compiled by some pretty
impressive musicians gathered for this task by Rolling Stone Magazine. And I
thought, why does this society feel the need to rate everything under the sun?
You cannot say one guitarist is “better” than the next--can’t be done. I look at
the list as just that; a list. Just because one is rated number 12; well, that
doesn’t mean he is any better or any worse than number 13 or number 11. When I
make out my grocery list just because I may have listed apples first and
bananas second; okay let me do that over—I may list Milky Ways first and
Doritoes fifth but that doesn’t mean Milky Ways are better. It’s just a list
and next week Milky Ways may be replaced by Snickers, depending on my mood.
Maybe that’s just what it is, a list. But being the
competitive race we are we automatically assume those listed towards one end
are better or worse than those in between. Well, I say bullcrap. They are
all awesome and have interjected pieces of their souls through their
instrument. And god only knows, there may be some unknown guitar genius
somewhere in rural China right now as I write who could outplay them all and we
will never know about it; and therefore never make the list. “If a tree falls
in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”